Sunday, June 20, 2004

F* - Official lubricant of the new economy

F* - Official lubricant of the new economy

This is great for letting the world know about companies that really suck.

Why I Hate Personal Weblogs

Why I Hate Personal Weblogs

This bozo doesn't even realize that he/she is a perfect canidate for the JackA$$ position in the sence that he/she is oblivious to the fact that his/her VERY long and drawn out essay is nothing more than SUCKY.

I still found humor in his the mad rantings.

Do you suck, too???

Do you suck, too???
The Juicy cerebellume's 101 people that totally suck, too funny. This guys states people who suck and why they suck, very humorous. Had me snickering and giggling to myself.

the arcade:: online: How to Deal with Mean People Who Suck

the arcade:: online: How to Deal with Mean People Who Suck
Great article, LOL.

People who suck at

People who suck -
This web site is about people who we've never met, yet made our lives suckier by simply knowing that they existed. We have put groupings of people in this category too just because we're too lazy to list individuals all the time.
So True too!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Jerks, JackA$$'s, & Swindlers

This is a journal of jerks, jacka$$'s, & swindlers.

Feel free to give your experiences with companies, websites, or anybody that has really done you wrong in any manner.

***Explicit details wanted, along with links, emails, etc.

This is a place to let everybody know what these people are really like.

If you get anything out of this, it will be the humiliation you will put them through. If you can get your money, then get your money's worth here.

Happy Venting and vengeance.