Sunday, June 20, 2004

Why I Hate Personal Weblogs

Why I Hate Personal Weblogs

This bozo doesn't even realize that he/she is a perfect canidate for the JackA$$ position in the sence that he/she is oblivious to the fact that his/her VERY long and drawn out essay is nothing more than SUCKY.

I still found humor in his the mad rantings.


Permit said...

nice site.
are u sure u dont suck?

Virtual Vigilante said...

I just may suck....very well. If I can say that I SUCK then I can say it about everybody else that sucks. Glad you like it, since you hate weblogs. I only hate the ones that suck. I want everyone to know who sucks and that is why we are here talking about people that suck?

I think that pretty much covers it!

LOL, I do find this very amusing and entertaining. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to post to your site one day.


Anonymous said...

I have been through tons of these blogs and I would have to agree that 98% of the purely suck...

Most are gibberish, leaving grammer in the back seat. Some are so bad that I don't even stop to read a word that is written, for everything seems to be a run on sentence. Other Blogs are just so flamming boaring that I want to vomit. I know I am not the best writter or speaker, but I know that you need to break things up or no one will stop and read. And post things that are informative, funny or just interesting for no body cares about your daily routines and the last time you had a BM.

I have written a post here for I found this Blogger to be funny, interesting, somewhat informative and just plain cool. I guess I am saying that Web Logs do for the most part suck but I have found one out of MANY that I can say "DON'T SUCK".

Like your points and don't even know how I got into all this mess to begin with, LOL. Glad I stumbled upon your Web Log.

Thanks for the Laugh, it was much needed.