Thursday, June 30, 2005

Polititions, Bleeding Hearts & Welfare

I was always taught, "Take ONLY what you NEED, & give ALL that you can."

This is something that these asses know nothing off. They take all they can and give nothing of need.

Polititions are the most overpaid ass chappers that walk this earth. I think volunteers should be paid more, or hard laborers. They talk a big game and walk a small path.

Bleeding hearts, never have experienced an evil deed against them. Now Raise your hands, how many bleeding hearts would let a hard core criminal that they are fighting to save stay with them and their kids, HMMMM??? If you feel SO STRONGLY about their rights, life and mistreatment, then YOU NEED TO SUPPORT & SHELTER THEM. OH, that wouldn't work for you? Why not, don't you think they are just being picked on and we should not punish them for hurting and killing the innocent. Your child, mother, sister, brother, yourself...Just got butt fucked, rapped, killed...NOW do you feel the same. Still can't perceive the simplicity of good and evil yet? Still want to give them their own island & let them be free for they had a hard life? They you need to lose all that IS precious to you and you can go live on your own island with all those poor mistreated evils.

Welfare, we spend more here then supporting our elders. The shift needs to be made where Welfare is only good for the truly disabled, & the elderly. Now I am not talking of the Rich elderly, they shouldn't even qualify. Our system should be put in place to help our fellow man that can not truly help themselves due to circumstances of the hand of life. Welfare should only be given for a trial period and only twice in your life time if there is noting wrong with you but a stroke of bad luck. I say, "1 year, & paid schooling for basic classes to get you in a descent paying joy." We should not suckle these lazy fuckers. I was on it for 3 months after I left my husband & got on my feet. I worked two jobs after that & eventually went to school, paying for it MYSELF. I didn't take advantage of the system. But I am willing to bet that if something happened to me I would not be able to receive help now for I am not DARK ENOUGH & not only try to stand on my own taking nothing but what I have earned but have not taken advantage of the system. I have seen good people have really bad things happen to them and because they where not the scum of the earth or dark skinned, the system turned them away. One died of cancer, the other has been living painfully for 2 years with 3 compacted lower vertebrate. They won't fix him so he can go back to work, as he so truly wants to do. He has talked of suicide, This is a man that SHOULD get a hand or a miracle but it WILL NEVER HAPPEN for him. That is a reality.

So for all you smack talking whinny babies that take advantage of the innocents of this time and place, I say..."Turnabout is fair and may your suffering of your blind ignorance not keep you from your punishment."


Anonymous said...

in reference to the bleeding hearts that we, as hard working tax payers are forced into supporting... what about the brain deficient adult "druggies" with the mindset of a fourteen year old because of their own self abuse who collect twice the benefits that an elderly person has worked for all their lives? they sit at home and watch Opra, and Judge Judy and get their "fix" every morning, paid for by yours truely and come up with every possible excuse for dirty urines and no shows, since they're selling their "take home" doses of methadone and doing what they want instead. meanwhile... an eighty year old who has worked and put in plenty towards an honest retirement cannot afford a place to live or food on the table. we're all just throw aways, but any politician who has the power to create their own retirement plan instead of paying into the ILLEGAL tax system that has evolved for working people would cower at the thought of being there themselves. and yet it continues and is accepted. one days work for me pays for some illiterate, self involved drug addict's maintenance for a solid week while they sit at home, get high, and expect more and more. what would happen if i as a so called free citizen of america chose to send a day's pay to an elderly or sick person instead of claiming the income and paying taxes to support someones drug habit? i'd wind up in jail. "just the facts ma'am."

Virtual Vigilante said...

You said a mouth full.
It is sad but true, shame on us.