Monday, September 22, 2008

Junk Fax Attorneys

Peter Price PA

They will give you money for your Junk Faxes. The catch is they seek damages on innocent victims who are easy targets. It doesn't matter if you did it or not they are just out for the money. THAT is how they make their living. It is not seeking REAL justice but MONEY.

They take the case and then tell the person that if they are paid $500 this can all go away.
Isn't that like blackmail or extortion? How do they get away with this?

And how is it tolerated? Petty lawsuits such as a Junk Fax? I can see if you are being bombarded from the same place or person and they don't stop but one fax and you didn't even send it? I would drop trou and lay water upon such a request and fine the attorneys for wasting my time. Go after the REAL offenders and not someone whom you think has done something wrong.

They say they have done their research and the info they give you is wrong. If they knew so much then why don't they know that the faxes DIDN'T come from you and that YOU didn't send it. Hell, they can't even get your address and things of that nature right.

They just start making shit up as they go along I guess.

So if you want to poke an innocent in the rear and let the real bad guys get away with Spamming you with Junk Faxes and letting the little guy or the innocent take the fall then leave your soul at the door and hire these rump pokers. They don't sweat the big crimes like baby rapers or murders. They like it best when you ask no question and mail in a $500.00 check so they don't have to prove that they are right in court. Which they are not ALWAYS, but that doesn't bother them.

They should be called Bullies-R-US, and that is being nice.

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